LaBrae Local Schools

Office of the Superintendent

A Message from the Superintendent

Welcome to LaBrae Local Schools' website. We hope you'll find the website useful and informative. In addition to our website, we use social media apps such as Twitter, Facebook, Viking Nation, and Remind to communicate with our families and the broader community. Our goal is to ensure that we communicate with our constituents in multiple formats, and communicate in such a manner that puts the information at your fingertips.

Furthermore, LaBrae thanks you for entrusting us to partner with you in educating your children. We aim to provide a strong educational foundation for the youth of our community. Accompanying our educational program, is a myriad of co-curricular and extra-curricular activities that supplement the learning in the classroom and provide enriching opportunities for our students. We believe that our programs provide authentic and rewarding learning opportunities for LaBrae youth. It is our mission to pursue excellence in all that we do. Our first priority is being student-centered as we work to ensure that we are providing students a challenging educational environment that helps develop the mastery of knowledge, enhances critical thinking skills and assists students in appropriate social-emotional growth.

From a financial perspective, the Board of Education is consistently focused on managing our resources at an efficient and optimal level to ensure that your tax dollars are spent in a responsible manner. Academic, employee and facility expenditures are planned for through a budgetary process that is thoughtful and purposely orchestrated. We value the trust that our community has given through its continued financial support, and believe that appreciation for that support is best demonstrated through sound management of the budgetary resources provided to us.

A successful education experience is built upon a strong partnership between families and schools. As educators, we work to reinforce important family values within our schools, and families work to support the work that educators are engaged in with their children. I hope our partnership this year allows us to strengthen that bond as we work to be the best we can for our children.

We are here to serve, and I encourage you to contact us with your questions or input that you might offer. LaBrae Local Schools wishes all of our families a wonderful and fulfilling school year!


Anthony J. Calderone